Early Grade Reading and Math Project (RAMP)





jordan reading and math

The Kaizen Company (Kaizen) is contributing the USAID-funded Early Grade Reading and Math (RAMP) Project, implemented in direct collaboration with the Jordanian Ministry of Education (MoE) that aims to improve learner performance in Early Grade Reading and Mathematics (Kindergarten – Grade 3) within public schools in Jordan. As a sub-contractor to RTI International, Kaizen serves as the lead organization working on community mobilization and engagement, providing technical and intellectual leadership to encourage parental involvement in schools and at home to support student learning in reading and mathematics. Kaizen currently works with school and directorate representatives, Parent-Teacher Councils (PTCs), and Parental Involvement Programs (PIPs) across 2,500 schools to increase parent participation in school events, PTC General Assemblies and PIP activities.

Kaizen also supports RAMP’s Ministry of Education (MoE) activities which include: empowering parents to interpret school reports that present the performance of their schools in reading and mathematics, enabling parents to provide suggestions on how parents can support schools in addressing gaps and challenges, and providing suggestions to parents on what they can do at home to support their children in developing reading comprehension skills and understanding mathematics.

To implement these activities, Kaizen utilizes an adapted professional communities approach stemming from previous experience in Jordan. Now in its third year of implementation, Kaizen has built a professional community that supports its members to understand common challenges in early reading and mathematics, empowers its membership through peer-to-peer transfer of ideas, experience and expertise, and undertakes actions to recommend constructive change.

Through Kaizen-led activities, 42 PTC team members currently contribute to the development of joint PIP/PTC teams at the field directorate level. In addition, RAMP’s full package of trainings for teachers and supervisors, including Kaizen’s community engagement module, have been distributed to 14,500 teachers, impacting approximately 355,000 parents to date. Kaizen has also initiated parent-targeted SMS messages to further promote parental engagement, sending a total of 15,824 messages to date.

For more information on the RAMP 2 extension, click here.