Water Reuse and Environmental Conservation Project (WREC)

The Kaizen Company, in partnership with AECOM, supported the Jordanian Ministry of Environment (MoE) and Jordanian industry to increase compliance with Jordanian environmental law and regulation, decrease industrial pollution and increase sustainable use of water and energy in the industrial sector. To achieve these objectives, Kaizen built an Industrial Knowledge Center (IKC). The IKC employed a three-pronged approach which used a web-based platform as a focal point of capacity building, institutional strengthening and consensus building in the public and private sectors. For the MoE, the IKC provided a database of industrial polluters to enhance the ministry’s enforcement capacity. For Jordanian industry, the IKC used the Communities of Practice approach to provide locally-relevant tools and resources to empower and support more sustainable use of water and energy resources. Thirdly, IKC supported a web-based forum, The Network for Jordanian Industrial Sustainability (, to facilitate regulator-regulatee dialogue and foster mutually beneficial public-private sector cooperation in the area of environmental sustainability. In designing the three-pronged IKC approach, Kaizen and its partners identified areas of natural public-private cooperation from in-depth needs and capacity assessments of the MoE and Jordanian industry. These areas of natural coincidence of interests form the foundation of the IKC’s institutional design plan. Furthermore, the results of the assessments are guided plans for capacity development and consensus building between the MoE and Jordanian industry.