Kaizen improved fiscal stability and public financial management in Jordan through a comprehensive approach that strengthened institutions, engaged stakeholders, and advanced policy dialogue.
To strengthen response to fiscal shocks and dependent lessen dependence on international donor support, USAID recognized the need to improve fiscal stability and public financial management (PFM) in Jordan. The Jordan Fiscal Reform PFM activity focused on four components to improve prosperity, accountability, and equality for a stable, democratic Jordan. As part of prime contractor Deloitte Consulting LLP’s team, Kaizen played a key role in USAID’s third major fiscal reform activity, the Fiscal Reform and Public Financial Management (FRPFM) activity. Kaizen supported Development Objective #1 of the Country Development Cooperation Strategy by accelerating broad-based economic development, and fiscal stability and improving PFM.
- Supported nongovernmental partners in shaping fiscal policy agenda
- Enabled transformation of Department of Lands and Survey to better serve customers
- Advanced sustainable reforms that were responsive to future crises
Kaizen improved policy implementation, individual skills, and key institutions at the sub-national level. Additionally, Kaizen supported policy dialogue by providing grants and capacity-building support to think-tank and other nongovernmental partners to help shape the fiscal policy agenda. The organization also enabled business transformation at the Department of Lands and Survey (DLS) to better serve customers and improve adherence to best practices in land administration. As part of this effort, Kaizen piloted cybersecurity and risk management improved practices that could be expanded throughout the Ministry of Finance.
FRPFM’s holistic approachfocused on central authorities as well as spending agencies, state-owned enterprises, governorates, civil society, and private-sector partnerships. By taking a strategic approach, FRPFM advanced reforms that were sustainable and responsive to future crises, ending the cycle of donor dependence and paving the way for transition to local stakeholder control.
At a glance
Organizational development, governance