- Advancing Climate Smart Agriculture in Pakistan
- Advancing Early Reading and Mathematics in Jordan’s Public Schools
- Advancing Food and Nutrition Security in Niger
- Advancing Localization and Inclusive Development by Changing How USAID Partners
- Advancing Open Innovation on Development Programs
- Advancing Reforms in Education Management with Public-Private Partnerships
- Boosting Egyptian Economic Growth and Employment by Supporting Businesses
- Building Financial and Management Capacity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
- Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation and Impact at The Kaizen Company
- Creating a Movie on Health Issues Affecting Girls and Young Women in Zimbabwe
- Developed Capacity of USAID/Ethiopia Local Implementing Partners
- Developing a Community of Practice for Climate-Change-Adaptation Financing
- Developing a More Dynamic Economic Growth Mindset and Integrating Women in the Jordanian Economy
- Developing Human and Institutional Capacity of Georgian Organizations
- Empowering Israeli-Palestinian Startups: Driving Cross-Border Growth
- Empowering Youth to Communicate with Community Leaders and Policymakers
- Enhanced Literacy and Numeracy Proficiency Among Girls in Liberia Exiting School Due to Pregnancy
- Enhancing Entrepreneurship Skills and Competitiveness in Egypt
- Enhancing Knowledge Management to Support Disaster Resilience in India
- Enhancing Learning Analytics for USAID/Ethiopia and USAID/Djibouti Transformation
- Enhancing Public Administration and Civil Service in Palestine
- Enhancing School Management and Planning in Jordan
- Enhancing Women’s Economic Participation in Pakistan Through Capacity Building
- Establishing and Maintaining the Global Law Enforcement Community of Practice
- Evaluating the Konbit Cooperative Agreement
- Expanding People-to-People Engagement through Capacity Building in Pakistan
- Facilitating Export of Smart Urban Solutions to India by Reverse Trade Missions
- Facilitating Virtual Professional Communities to Enhance Financial Stability
- Fostering Collaboration, Learning, and Monitoring in USAID Activities in Jordan
- Implementing Effective Public Financial Management Tools
- Improving Citizen Service Delivery by Building More Effective Public Institutions
- Improving Global Water Sustainability and Boosting Food Security
- Improving Institutional Capacity and Strengthening Project Implementation in Rwanda
- Improving Organizational Development Practices and Capacity Building in Iraq
- Improving Pakistan’s International Trade Competitiveness Via Capacity Development
- Improving Public Management Capacity Throughout Iraq’s Ministries
- Improving Sub-National Fiscal Management in Jordan Through Innovative Solutions
- Improving Trade and Fiscal Policies in Nepal through Capacity Building and Training
- Mitigating Local Disputes in Liberia
- Palestine Energy Project
- Preparing Future Teachers in Jordan
- Providing Capacity Building to Support the USAID Rule of Law Program in Jordan
- Providing Support to School Administrators In Haiti
- Providing Technical and Professional Support to USAID’s Global Development Lab
- Strengthening Abilities to Implement Development and Emergency Activities
- Strengthening Advocacy and Citizen Participation in Judiciary Reform in Macedonia
- Strengthening Capacity of Local Governments Across Iraq
- Strengthening Health Sector Institutional Financial and Management Capacity
- Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Papua New Guinea’s Energy Utility Sector
- Strengthening Regional Intergovernmental Organization Systems in East Africa
- Supported Set Up of Ebola Unit of USAID Global Development Lab
- Supporting Implementation of the Morocco Ministry of Education Vision 2030
- Supporting Niger’s Ministries to Advance Stabilization and Peacebuilding Efforts
- Supporting Organizational Development in Ethiopia
- Supporting Organizational Development in Uganda
- Supporting Stabilization Efforts in Middle East and North Africa Countries
- Supporting Sudan’s Democratic Transition
- Supporting Sustainable Water and Environmental Conservation Efforts in Jordan
- Supporting the Engagement of Civil Society in the Local Development Process in Djibouti
- Supporting the Indonesian Ministry of Trade to Increase Exports and Investments
- Supporting the South Sudan Government in Identifying Critical Reform Priorities
- Supporting the USAID Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention
- Supporting the Water and Energy for Food Program
- Supporting USAID Kenya and East Africa Stakeholders in Achieving Development Outcomes