Our Team

Kaizen’s values and vision echo across our passionate team.

In addition to our Washington, DC-based staff, we have multiple field teams and engage emerging development professionals through our associate program.

The Home Office

Headshot of Lisa Letke

Lisa Letke

Headshot of Andrew Kaiser

Andrew Kaiser

Headshot of Amy Watve

Amy Watve

In The Field

Ethiopia Learning Analytics Activity

Djibouti Supporting Civil Society Engagement in the Local Development Process (CEAA)

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Georgia Human and Institutional Capacity Development Activity (HICD)

Enhancing School Management and Planning (ESMP)

Development Food Security Activity (Wadata)

Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan Activity

Papua New Guinea Electrification Partnership (PEP) Activity

Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)

Pakistan Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)

Work With Us

Our people around the world are supporting our mission and vision for a sustainable world. Join us today.
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