
Supporting the USAID Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention

Hand pressing a key on a laptop and file and folders displayed in front of laptop screen

Kaizen launched initiatives to create and improve the Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention’s processes and tools for sharing and using knowledge.

The Knowledge Management and Learning (KM&L) project was designed to support the Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention (CVP), previously known as the Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation. KM&L was tasked with creating an effective and efficient feedback loop of knowledge and information among CVP staff and stakeholders to increase the impact of the center’s services and products.


  • Created the Reconciliation Fund Agreement Office Representative (AOR) Summit
  • Supported change management in newly created Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization
  • Organized the inaugural Peace and Security Summit in 2021
  • Created tools, systems, and processes to build a culture of knowledge management

Kaizen led the KM&L team with subcontractor Democracy International. KM&L implemented four tasks: created a process to capture, organize, and disseminate knowledge and lessons learned to CVP and its stakeholders; improved the structure and content of USAID/CVP internet and intranet websites; developed and managed knowledge-sharing events; and produced online knowledge-sharing publications.

During the life of the project, the KM&L team made progress across all four tasks. Kaizen aligned project activities with the needs of the CVP and built in sustainability throughout activities. Kaizen also provided communication support by filling that role after the CVP communications and outreach specialist left.

At a glance








Knowledge sharing networks, peace, stabilization, and resilience

Team collaboration in a roundtable represents diversity and inclusivity
Team collaboration in a roundtable represents diversity and inclusivity
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